The History and generations of video gaming can take us back almost 40 years now. Forty years of bringing lots of joy to people, but also some heartache as well. As of today we have had 19 major game consoles that are divided in to seven categories, or generations if you will.

Magnovox Odyssey
The first console that ever came out was the Magnovox Odyssey and it was battery powered, had a monochrome screen and did not even play sound. As you may figure, it was very basic, but also the start of a wonderful era of videogames.

Atari Pong
Atari was another videogame that was able to compete in the 1970s and 1980s, that came out with maybe the most famous videogame ever: The Atari Pong, that was released in 1976 and it was mass marketed and mass produced.

Telstar by Coleco
Telstar was the evolution of videogames.

Atari CX 2600
Atari CX 2600 was the first real gaming console and the major invention with the 2600 was that it introduced the gaming world to cartridge play. Now you could switch in between games and play whatever game you wanted instead of just pong. It was introduced in 1977, it had 128 bytes of ram, and was given the name “woody”.

A leather company in Connecticut made a videogame console in 1982 that had I kilobyte of RAM and also 16 kilobytes and VRAM. It was bundled with Donkey Kong and had flat joystick with numerical buttons. It was great because of its superior sound and you could expand the game with Gemini.

Atari 2600 A
The Atari 2600 A was just a quick fix, so they could be able to compete with colecovision. It was released quickly and was practically the same model as the CX 2600, who just a got a facelift. It was nicknamed Darth Vader, because of the all black shell.

Atari 5200
The Atari 5200 was released in 1982 and had more power then before and you could also play old Atari games with the new system. However, there were lots of bugs and faults with this Atari console. By now the videogame market had downed a little bit and there was not much hope for gamers.

Nintendo NES
The mass produced Nintendo NES saved the video gaming market when it got released in 1985 and this is the console that my own generation holds close to their hearts. Since for most people, this was the console that they started playing with.

Atari 7800
Atari gave a last try before they gave up with the 7800 model. It fixed all bugs from the 5200 version, but did not really improve anything else and it could not just compete with the Nintendo.

The new SEGA was revolutionary with its Sonic figure. It had a brand new turbo graphics card and the flow of the game was much cleaner and faster than on any other console.

Here comes the real kicker, Playstation by SONY. The Playstation was new and revolutionary. With a 32 bit console with thousands of games it got a real hit fast. It was the first console that was playing CDs.

Nintendo 64
Nintendo was fast to answer and a year later they came out with the Nintendo 64. It didn’t use CDs, but it still had better graphics and Mario was reborn.

SEGA Dreamcast was released in 1999 and unfortunately had terrible marketing and was not produced enough to fill incoming orders. However, it was the first console with a built in modem for online playing ability, but nobody had a idea how to do this and the support from SEGA was not the greatest.

Playstation 2
SONY came out with the biggest hit on the video gaming market still to this day. It had a nice design and it was DVD compatible. So now you could watch DVDs on your TV with this gaming console. Games are still made for the PS2 to this day which proves how big it really is even though it was made in 2000.

Nintendo GameCube
The biggest flop from Nintendo must have been the GameCube that was released in 2001. It played CD based game. But couldn’t perform DVD playback like the Playstation 2 could do.

Bill Gates and Microsoft wanted in on the videogame market when it release the Xbox in 2001. It played CDs and DVDs, but you could also play online and could download add-on’s on the system.

PS2 Slim
SONY panicked a little bit because of Microsoft so they did a remake of the Playstation 2 in 2004, but just with a smaller finish, but just with the same attributes as the original console.

Xbox 360
The revolutionary graphics of the Xbox 360 was released in 2005 with wireless controllers and a sleek design.

Playstation 3
SONY introduced their third console in 2006 and just as in the PS2 it was revolutionary when it came with a Blueray disc player and the early models of the PS3 could have playback ability for PS2 games.

Nintendo Wii
Nintendo felt like they had to something entirely new when Xbox and Playstation was so big so they came up with the Nintendo Wii in 2006. This console had kinetics feature with the controllers, which could follow your movements and do the same on the screen.